occure due to decrease in RBCs count or haemoglobin concentration or
both of them & it can be classified into two categories:
1)acquired anaemia
2)hereditory anaemia
1)acquired anaemia
A)due to decrease in number of RBCsbut cells are normal in shape and size (normocytic normochromic )
a)haemorregic anaemia
this is due to exessive loss of blood due to accidents,peptic ulcer,belhariziasis,minstruation,....
b)Aplastic anaemia
due to damage of bonemarrow that cause loss in number of RBCs ths occure due to renal failure,radiation,antibiotics,....
c)haemolytic anaemia
due to incompatable blood transfusion or adminstration of antimalarian drugs
d)dificiency anaemia
-low folic acid "macrocytic anaemia"
-low iron "macrocytic anaemia "
-low vitamine B12 "pernacious anaemia "
-low vitamine C"scarry anaemia"
B)change in shape of cells
a) normocytic normochromic anaemia
b)microcytic hypochromic anaemia (RBCs small in size with low content of Hb or absence of it )
c)macrocytic hyperchromic anaemia (RBCs large in size & filled with Hb )
2)Heriditory anaemia
A)due to membrane problem
B)due to Hb problem
-sickled cell anaemia